Why Should Sharps Waste Disposal Be Treated in The Right Way?

Sharps Waste Disposal


Sharps waste refers to the subset of waste that is infectious in nature and generally comprises things like broken glass, needles, syringes, lancets, and other sharp materials that will pierce your skin. Its combination with pathogens and its ability to break through the skin’s protective barrier makes them one of the most harmful waste products in healthcare.

Credible companies should always carry out Sharps waste disposal

A majority of sharps waste comes from syringes from the injections that are given to patients every year. One can take the example of vaccinations for the coronavirus that is essential to prevent the spread of the disease. However, some injections are not needed for an illness or disease, and they can be replaced with oral medication.

When syringes are reused, this gives rise to millions of deadly infections annually like HIV, bacterial, and hepatitis infections. In order to reduce the above infections, WHO recommends the use of syringes with auto-disable benefits, especially during vaccination drives. However, they can result in injuries, and around 10 to 20% of these needle stick injuries take place during disposal, and this is why the correct management of them is essential.

Protecting the community is mandatory

Credible companies specializing in sharps waste disposal state that there is a thriving trade with second-hand syringes in some nations in the world, especially in countries located in South Asia. They are generally repacked and later sold to innocent customers. This causes immense harm to them, and rag pickers that search for them often get about three to five needle stick injuries daily.

Needle cutters make the disposal process safer

They are often called hub cutters, and they cut the needle located at the end of the syringe so that it cannot be reused. This makes the treatment and the sharps waste disposal much safer and simple.

Sharp instruments can be disinfected or autoclaved with special technologies deployed for infectious waste. Besides this, some waste treatment companies offer sharp reusable containers that can be disinfected with contents and later returned for use in the future.

Besides, the above reusable containers can be made from aluminium by metal workers locally to meet the needs of every situation. Syringes are made from high-grade plastic can also be disinfected. The needle can be removed or shredded to make them non-reusable. They can be recycled for use in the future as well.

When it comes to sharps waste disposal, each and every medical unit and hospital in urban and rural areas can have a constructive impact on the public as well as the environmental health of the community via sustainable healthcare waste management programs.

Last but not least, as the system for global health care expands and reaches out to more and more people with sophisticated treatments offered, there is a neglected and silent crisis that is gradually unfolding. The increasing amount of waste that is generated by the above life-saving advances is not treated correctly. This causes huge suffering, pollution, unnecessary carbon emissions, and a huge waste of valuable resources.

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