Instagram Growth Hacks to Get More Followers on Your Profile

Instagram Growth Hacks to Get More Followers on Your Profile


In today’s world, everyone wants to grow their Instagram followers for better engagement. Whether you run an e-commerce store or a YouTube channel, having more followers will simply help you grow your brand and acquire long-term valuable customers. Unfortunately, increasing followers on Instagram is not easy. 

You can’t get thousands of followers overnight. It’s important to follow the right strategies to publish high-quality content and encourage people to follow your account. In this article, we are going to talk about some of the most effective growth hacks to get free Instagram followers and build a strong social media presence for your brand.  

So, without any further ado, let’s get started. 

1. Publish Content More Frequently

One of the easiest ways to crush Instagram’s algorithm and acquire new followers organically is to publish frequent posts on your account. The general thumb rule says that you should publish at least one post every day to keep the users engaged all the time. It’s important to understand that when you’ll publish content more frequently, the algorithm will automatically push your posts to the top of Instagram searches and your profile will get exposure from new people quite easily. 

But, it doesn’t matter how many times you publish on Instagram, make sure to keep your posts original. No one will follow your account if you post copied content on your profile. Even if this might help you acquire followers right now, posting copied content will severely affect your brand’s reputation in the long run. So, while posting on Instagram, make sure to stay authentic to build trust among your followers. 

2. Use Instagram Stories

For users who can’t post multiple relevant content pieces daily, it would be better to use Instagram Stories. By publishing stories throughout the day, you can share small glimpses from your daily life and keep the followers engaged. There are several features inside IG stories that’ll help interact with people more conveniently. For instance, you can run a quiz on different topics related to your niche. 

Similarly, if you are planning to launch a new YouTube video, you can run a poll on Instagram to ask your followers when they would like to see the video. These small elements will help you boost customer interaction and you’ll also be able to get more views on your YouTube videos more easily. So, if you aren’t already posting Stories, make sure to utilize them as soon as possible for a better engagement. 

3. Post Reels

Like Instagram Stories, Reels are also a useful feature to boost your account’s customer engagement. Believe it or not, but posting these types of small video clips on your profile can do wonders for your social media presence and help you get free Instagram followers instantly. Since there’s a dedicated section for Reels on Instagram, it’s safe to say that people spend countless hours scrolling through different types of Reels. 

This makes it the easiest way to make your brand reach out to new users on Instagram. Make it a habit to post Reels regularly on your account and you’ll be able to increase your social media following without any efforts. And, since you can only publish 30-seconds video Reels, it’ll only take a few minutes to create relevant and high-quality Reels for your Instagram profile.  

4. Use Paid Tactics

If you want a sudden increase in your Instagram followers count, it will also be a better option to use paid tactics such as buying followers. As surprising as it may sound, but buying followers can help your social media growth in many ways. When you’ll buy Instagram followers, you’ll automatically reach your potential audience and acquire highly engaged followers without any effort. 

However, make sure to look for service providers that offer real Instagram followers. Why? Because if your account has too many disengaged or fake followers, your organic growth will get sabotaged and you won’t be able to reach the desired follower count at all. So, while buying Instagram followers, do the required research, and hire people who offer 100% authentic followers. 

These are the four tips to get real and engaged followers for your Instagram profile for free.

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